King Danylo University develops scientific activities in the field of renewable energy sources and sustainable development.
Creation of a material and technical base for engineering higher education, for existing and future scientific projects
Working title
Sustainable Energy Technology Lab King Labs
Areas of work
- Fulfillment of obligations under international projects
- Training Center (Certificate Programs)
- Research
Topics of study and research
- Hydrogen Centre of Vocational Excellence
- Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving
- Renewables
- Water Energy
- Heat and gas supply and ventilation
- Electrical engineering
Additional services
- Energy audit
- Energy Managers Certification
- Diagnostics of photovoltaic modules
Over the past few years, a number of important strategic steps have been taken for the development of UKD:

- Strengthening the scientific and pedagogical staff of high qualification (new qualified personnel, learning English, international cooperation, internships, lectures from foreigners and joint training programs)
- Expansion of the topics of educational specialties and topics of scientific research.
- Increasing the area by 500 m2 to ensure the educational process and the needs of scientific activities.
- Cooperation has been established with industry communities: the Solar Energy Association of Ukraine, the Precarpathian Eco Energy Cluster, the Ivano-Frankivsk IT Cluster, the Hydrogen Council of Ukraine, etc.
- Opening of the New Energy Science Museum (UKD together with the NGO "Bureau of Development, Innovation and Technology" to promote renewable energy sources, principles of sustainable development and science in general).

- As of now, the material and technical base of the University is not rich and includes mainly basic instruments for metrological measurements and for determining the energy characteristics of buildings. Currently, the university has built additional space and is finishing the renovation of the premises. The next step is to purchase furniture and equip the laboratories.
- The unique device is the Radiation Monitoring Station, which was obtained in cooperation with the Western Inspectorate of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine. There will be only 3 stations in the Western region - at King Danylo University, in Lviv and Uzhhorod.

An important stage in the development of the university is the creation of a laboratory base for new areas of educational and scientific activity.
Concept visualization v.1:
1. Solar energy
UKD scientists are researching the concept of circular economy in the field of solar energy, which consists in the recycling and reuse of photovoltaic module materials, which will reduce waste and conserve natural resources (within the project).
In the course of the study, there was a need to study the efficiency of photovoltaic modules. For this purpose, the concept of the laboratory has been developed, which includes the following diagnostic methods:
- Electrical Performance Testing
- Electrofluorescence method
- Thermographic method
- Simulation of operating conditions

2. Зелений водень
In 2024, King Danylo University began work on three projects in the hydrogen field (LUXHYVAL, H2COVE та SH2AMROCK) and became a member of Hydrogen Europe, one of the largest and most influential platforms for the development of hydrogen energy in Europe. This gives access to the latest technologies and innovations in this area.
We develop physical and digital models of the hydrogen valley to demonstrate hydrogen technologies, conduct training and research in the industry.
2.1. The physical model of a scaled hydrogen valley reproduces all processes and elements of hydrogen infrastructure on a reduced scale. The model includes hydrogen production, storage and transportation systems, as well as hydrogen consumers such as industrial plants, vehicles and buildings. It is necessary to demonstrate the generation, storage and transformation of hydrogen, using fuel cells from the building's own solar power plant. It is also possible to demonstrate materials main units and equipment used at real facilities.
2.2. The digital model will be implemented in the form of an interactive whiteboard for interaction with the digital model of the hydrogen valley, which is being developed as part of the LuxHyVal project. This digital twin is a virtual copy of the physical model that displays all processes and interactions within the hydrogen infrastructure in real time. This allows researchers and engineers to conduct virtual experiments, simulations, and data analysis without affecting the physical model.

In general, a laboratory with technical and digital modeling of the hydrogen valley is an important tool for the development of sustainable and efficient hydrogen energy.
3. Laboratory Equipment for Existing Academic Disciplines
3.1. Existing disciplines requiring laboratory equipment:
- Metrology and standardization. Quality control in construction.
- Energy efficiency and energy saving. Energy management.
- Computer modeling and simulation of energy complexes.
- Information Technologies in Energy. Smart Grid.
- Renewable energy sources.
- Other related disciplines.
List of necessary equipment
Equipment for determining energy characteristics:
- Thermal imager
- Digital Contact Thermometer
- Non-contact pyrometer thermometer
- Thermoggrometer
- Anemometer
- Other measuring instruments
Training stands for demonstration of technologies and equipment to meet the energy needs of the building:
- Hybrid Solar Power Plant
- Heat pump
- Smart home system (monitoring and control within the laboratory)
- Weather Station
- Etc.
Furniture and peripheral equipment:
- TVs or touchpads for presentation
- Personal Computers
- Computer desks
- Laboratory tables, island, SO-P
- Storage cabinets
- Chairs
3.2 Laboratory Equipment for Future Academic Disciplines
Work is underway on the preparation of new specialties - "Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation" and "Electric Power Engineering". To ensure a high-quality educational process, equipment is needed that reproduce different modes of operation of engineering systems for building support:

- Hybrid solar power plant;
- Ventilation system of living quarters;

- Solar collector system;
- Controlled heating system.