Nowadays, one of the most prestigious specialties in terms of building a successful career for graduates is the specialty “Finance, Banking and Insurance”. The highly qualified specialists in the field of finance, banking and insurance are greatly appreciated in the labour market. They are competent in the following matters:
- the use of modern means of financial influence aimed at the efficient use of financial resources of the entrepreneurs in order to improve their financial situation;
- functioning of the banking system and the implementation of various banking operations and services;
- personal property insurance and liability insurance, as well as reinsurance, taking both domestic and foreign experience into account .
Graduates of this specialty can be employed in state enterprises and institutions, as well as in enterprises of various economic activities; public administration institutions, banking and other financial and insurance institutions; in state bodies of financial control etc.
The Department of Finance and Accounting performs the training of specialists in the specialty 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance” at the first bachelor’s academic degree - educational program “Financial Management” - and the second master’s academic degree - educational program “Financial Management in Business”.
Educational program “Financial Management”
Current educational program is focused on students obtaining knowledge and skills in the financial flow management of various ownership and economic activities. This program provides training for professionals who are able to make effective decisions on financial management of business entities. The program trains modern financiers who have not only theoretical knowledge in finance, banking and insurance, but also analytical skills due to business management processing and taking strategic and tactical decisions.
The Bachelor's degree in Financial Management is a combination of knowledge in finance, management and analytics. This program is practically oriented and based on modern market requirements, together with the practices in the financial and banking spheres. Specialists in the field of financial analytics, business analysis and management of financial and banking activities are involved in the educational process. The program focuses on understanding the finances and management neccessary for taking management decisions.
The educational program "Financial Management in Business"
It is aimed at training highly professional specialists in financial management, capable of effectively managing business entities on the basis of established competencies to achieve their competitive advantage in a highly dynamic business environment. These specialists apply the methodology and instrumental apparatus:
- analyzing and forecasting the financial condition of corporate rights issuers;
- determining the optimal composition of assets and sources of their formation;
- assessment of investment projects, company value and probability of bankruptcy;
- financial management with participation of financial intermediaries and functioning of financial services market;
- financial risk management;
- rational formation and use of the insurance companies’ potential and harmonization of financial interests of insurance services consumers, owners andcompany staff;
- working with the latest financial management information systems;
- effective management of financial resources and control over their use.
Educational program ?
The graduates can work in the State Fiscal service, State Treasury of Ukraine, The Accounting Chamber, State Customs Service, financial bodies, Stock Market Commission, control and audit departments at enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership and types of economic activity, banks, insurance companies, financial and credit institutions, colleges, foundations, charitable funds, etc. A master's degree in finance, banking and insurance can hold the following positions: head of the financial department, accountant-auditor, tax and duties consultant, economist, asset management specialist, financial and economic security specialist, cashier, etc.
Studying in the "Finance, Banking and Insurance" specialty, students gain in-depth intellectual and professional knowledge of:

Studying the "Financial Management" Students acquire the following professional competencies:

Studying the "Financial Management in Business" Students acquire the following professional competencies:

Bachelor`s degree
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Further Mathematics
- The Political Economy
- Optimization methods and models
- Information Technology
- Business Economics
- Management
- Marketing
- Money and credit
- Accounting
- Finances
| - Statistics
- Analysis of economic activity
- Insurance
- Banking system
- Investing
- Finance law
- Financial analysis
- Insurance services/Planning and control at the enterprise
- Crisis Management/ Social Insurance
- Financial analytics/ Financial accounting
- Banking operations/ Currency regulation
- Information systems in finance / foreign economic activity of enterprises
Master`s Degree
- Tax Management
- Financial Management
- Insurance Management
- Financial Services Market
- Financial management in small business
- Financial Controlling
- Social Insurance
- Investment analysis
- Financial intermediation
| - Taxation of business entities
- Pricing
- Management Accounting
- International currency, financial and credit relationsвідносини
- Strategic management of the enterprise
- Modern economic theories
- Management of the financial rehabilitation of the enterprise
- Securities trading in Ukraine