Засновник Університету та Перший ректор Іван Михайлович Луцький народився 7 березня 1949 р. в селі Боднарів Калуського району на Івано-Франківщині. З 1970 р. навчався в Петербурзькій духовній семінарії, а згодом - в Петербурзькій Духовній Академії. 25 липня 1974 р. його рукопоклали в сан священика. Душпастирську працю спочатку провадив на теренах Тлумаччини та в місті Тлумач, де був протопресвітером.
4 грудня 1985 р. переведений парохом церкви святого Йосифа Обручника (Гірка) в місті Івано-Франківську, де душпастирював до останніх днів. Обслуговував приміські села Угорники, Микитинці, Опришівці, які в той час належали до парафії церкви святого Йосифа Обручника (Гірка).
Одночасно, в 1985 р., був призначений деканом Тисменицького деканату, де своєю душпастирською працею першим перевів деканат, який очолював, у лоно Греко-Католицької Церкви. У часи легалізації УГКЦ на прохання парафіян селі Угорники розпочав і провадив будівництво нового парафіяльного храму. Старий храм був зруйнований пожежею.
Працював у Церковному трибуналі Івано-Франківської єпархії, Івано-Франківській Теологічній Академії та Духовній семінарії.
За ревне служіння на пастирській ниві нагороджений найвищою церковною нагородою Митрою, а єпископом Софроном Мудрим ЧСВВ – другим Хрестом з Прикрасами.
In 1996 he graduated from the Ukrainian Free University in Munich with a doctorate in philosophy (dissertation topic "Creation of the Stanislavskyi Diocese of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church").
He successfully graduated from the Yaroslav the Wise Kharkiv Law Academy and the International University of Science and Technology in Kyiv. Having chosen the philosophy of law as a sphere of his scientific interests, Ivan Lutskyi successfully defended his dissertation on "Justice as a Philosophical and Legal Basis of Ukrainian Statehood" in 2005, and in 2011 - his doctoral dissertation "Christian Doctrine as a Worldview Source of Ukrainian State and Law"). In 2008 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor, and in 2011 - the academic title of professor.
His significant achievements in the field of science were confirmed by numerous state awards, namely "Order of Volodymyr the Great", the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Excellence in Education of Ukraine", the medal "For Merits in Education", the Order "For Development of Education and Science" , sign of Honor ”For conscientious service to Ukraine” of II Degree, Plato's gold medal "Through the thorns to the stars", "Golden star with diamonds", the award from the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, medal "For services to Precarpathian region" III degree, as well as many other thanks and diplomas.
He was elected a deputy of the regional council of the I and V democratic convocations, and was also a deputy of the Uhornyky village council.
Scientific titles: Doctor of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Law, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Canon Law, Professor, Excellence in Education of Ukraine, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Original Ideas, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, Academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education.

In 1997 Ivan Mikhailovich Lutskyi realized his dream and founded the Private Higher Educational Institution "Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Law, Economics and Construction". The university started its activity with rented premises of 500 square meters, with 300 students and 4 specialties.
For active work on improving the quality of modern education, the Institute was awarded a diploma of the rating competition of higher educational institutions of Ukraine held in 2002, and the name of its founder and first rector was entered in the registers of books "500 influential personalities of Ukraine" and "Golden Names".
The Institute, and later the University, was also awarded diplomas of the laureate of the rating of higher educational institutions of Ukraine "Sophia of Kyiv - 2005, 2007, 2008 " in the nomination of higher educational institutions of Ukraine for significant contribution to the development of the national system of higher education.
In 2007 the university was renamed Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law named after King Danylo Halytskyi.
After death of the First Rector Ivan Mykhailovych Lutskyi in 2014, his children, Andriy, Myroslav and Natalia the Lutskyis, continued their father's business. Andriy Ivanovych Lutskyi became the rector of the University.
Priest Ivan Lutskyi has always been guided by the principle: if you want the best, do it yourself. Therefore, when he opened a higher education institution, he dreamed that his children would be able to get the best education within the walls of the New University.
For active work on improving the quality of modern education, the Institute was awarded a diploma of the rating competition of higher educational institutions of Ukraine held in 2002, and the name of its founder and first rector was entered in the registers of books "500 influential personalities of Ukraine" and "Golden Names". The Institute, and later the University, was also awarded diplomas of the laureate of the rating of higher educational institutions of Ukraine "Sophia of Kyiv - 2005, 2007, 2008 " in the nomination of higher educational institutions of Ukraine for significant contribution to the development of the national system of higher education.
In 2007 the university was renamed Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law named after King Danylo Halytskyi.
After death of the First Rector Ivan Mykhailovych Lutskyi in 2014, his children, Andriy, Myroslav and Natalia the Lutskyis, continued their father's business. Andriy Ivanovych Lutskyi became the rector of the University.
Since May 2017, the university has been called King Danylo University. The university continued to develop dynamically, opening new specialties and attracting the best professionals to educational work.
Rector Andriy Lutskyi identified its further recognition by the whole of Ukraine and the world as the main task for the University.
Thus, the University began to actively develop international cooperation with universities in Poland, Austria, Germany, Georgia and other European countries.
Since then, the University annually hosts events of all-Ukrainian and international levels: All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Problems and prospects of project activities: theory, practice, innovation", "Features of Ukrainian legislation: philosophical, legal, historical and applied aspects", Interuniversity scientific-practical conference "Current state of economic development, management and advertising of Ukraine", All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Symposium "Commonwealth of Sciences: Architecture, Economics, Law", All-Ukrainian scientific-practical seminar "Theoretical and practical problems of criminal law and process", All-Ukrainian Conference on Architecture, Design and Construction, International Conference of IT Specialists - IT Rally, All-Ukrainian Conference of Specialists in Advertising and Public Relations - PR-Rally, etc .
Every year since 2015, the University organizes large-scale competitions for young groups "Battle of the Nativity Scenes"..
In 2018, King Danylo University became the first affiliated member of the Ivano-Frankivsk IT cluster. In 2019, the University opened the first Internet of Things (IoT) laboratory in Ivano-Frankivsk.
In addition, the University is famous for its cultural life and leisure. In 2015 the first beauty contest Mr & Miss University 2015 took place, which has become a tradition. In 2015, the first Voice of the University contest was held./p>
In 2017, the project "School’s got talent" was launched, which gives a chance to each gifted student to show their talent, and the winners get a chance to receive a grant for free education at UKD.
Attracting singing talents from all over Ukraine prompted the idea to open the specialty "Music Art" at the university in 2018.

In 2019, the University set a record for the longest lecture. Thus, within 24 hours and 5 minutes, the lecturer of King Danylo University Oleh Andrukhiv set the National Record of Ukraine, delivering students the longest lecture.
The event "Night at the University" has become a tradition. During this event students and teachers spend interesting leisure time in an informal atmosphere.
In 2019, the first competition Dance Cup of King Danylo University was held in co-organization with the dance team of Vladyslav Yama.
The university has become a meeting place for successful people who share their experiences with students and our guests among them the fifth President Petro Poroshenko, a musician and public figure Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, a journalist Kirill Kulik and other successful Ukrainians.
Priest Ivan Lutskyi performed his tireless work in the triad "God - education - Ukraine". As a rector and priest, he believed that the key to a good future of the state is the wise, educated, talented youth, who serves God and the Motherland.
In 2017, King Danylo University celebrated its twentieth anniversary. Over 20,000 students have graduated from the University during twenty years.
In 2019, King Danylo University, understanding the nowadays requirements, decided to modernize its educational process and introduce an even more effective management model. King Danylo University was the first Ukrainian university to introduce a new management system. From now on, the University is managed by the Supervisory Board, the President and the Rector.
Former Rector Andrii Lutskyi became the first President. Vitalii Khromets has been appointed the Rector.
In 2020, Myroslav Lutskyi, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Law, Excellence in Education of Ukraine, was appointed the Rector.
The University implements innovative curricula, distance education programs, educational modules with the involvement of practitioners, integration of curricula with the labor market in the framework of dual and coplex education.
In 2022, King Danylo University celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. Nearly 30,000 students have graduated from UKD in over twenty-five years.
Thanks to the team of King Danylo University, the institution is developing dynamically, training specialists in the fields of law, economics, architecture, construction, design, IT, journalism, music, and theology.

From the dream of a Man to the University
The opening of the University became the embodiment of Priest Ivan, who sought to make education accessible to every talented child from ordinary families. This impulse is the main one in the activity and development of the University even today. The University is developing and changing, but the established principle of the First Rector, the founder of the University, will be decisive - quality education should be available to every child.