Everyone is unique!
Everyone is unique!
Everyone is unique!
Longread about your individual success in UKD
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Career orientation
The new career guidance is designed to ensure a conscious choice of the specialty that the future student of UKD plans to study. He must make a responsible decision about studying in one or another specialty, based on his own resources. For this purpose, career orientation events are held, the purpose of which is not only to tell about the University in general, but, first of all, about individual specialties with the provision of comprehensive information about what awaits the student during his studies and what prospects he will have for professional self-realization.

Personal development

UKD abandons the traditional socio-humanitarian block of disciplines, which until now prevailed in Ukrainian higher education institutions. On the other hand, for students of the first year of the UKD, general training (training that is not related to the major) is focused on the personal development of the student through the acquisition of personal and social competences (Soft Skills). Most employers admit that they prefer applicants for a vacant position who, in addition to professional skills (Hard Skills), have personal and social skills (Soft Skills).
Professional correction
In the first year, a student of UKD has the opportunity to listen to the discipline "Introduction to the specialty" (this discipline outlines everything that will be taught in the specialty throughout the entire period of study). In addition to the introduction to the specialty, the student will have the opportunity to listen to two more "Introductions..." to other specialties that are available at UKD.
As a result, after listening to three disciplines related to the specialty, the student can:

make sure that he has made the right choice and continue his studies in the chosen specialty;

understand that he made the wrong choice and change his major from the second year;

to understand that he wants to study two specialties at the same time.
Parallel education
A student of UKD can simultaneously obtain an education in two specialties and after completing his studies receive two diplomas of the corresponding degree (bachelor or master) according to the following trajectories:

after completing the first course of bachelor's training, a student of UKD can simultaneously study a second specialty and receive two bachelor's diplomas in four years of study;
after completing studies in the colleges of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and receiving a professional junior bachelor's degree (junior specialist), the student can enter the third year of the university (the third year of the bachelor's program) and continue studying in the bachelor's program in the specialty he studied at the college, and choose a second specialty and study in parallel. Also, a college graduate may not continue his studies in the specialty he received in college, but enroll in two other specialties for the third year at the same time. During the period of study at a college and university under bachelor's programs, a student can receive three diplomas in three specialties. For example, a specialist junior bachelor's degree (junior specialist) majoring in "Marketing", a bachelor's degree in "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity", a bachelor's degree in "Journalism";

it is possible to continue studying at the master's degree both in the specialty of the bachelor's diploma and in another specialty. If a student plans to continue his master's studies in another specialty that does not correspond to the specialty of his bachelor's diploma, UKD provides the opportunity to choose subjects of basic training in the corresponding specialty at the bachelor's level from the variable block of disciplines. Thus, a master's student can receive basic training at the bachelor's level, as well as additional disciplines of master's training. For example, a graduate has a diploma in the specialty "Law" and wants to continue studying at a master's degree in the specialty "Architecture": in the first year of the master's degree, he listens to the disciplines of the second year of bachelor's training in the specialty "Architecture", and in the second year of the master's degree, he listens to the mandatory disciplines of the master's training in the specialty "Architecture". This will make it possible to obtain high-quality training in a specialty at the master's level even in the absence of a bachelor's training in the relevant specialty;
with a bachelor's degree, a graduate can enter a master's program in two specialties and receive two master's degrees;

after completing the master's studies, the graduate can enter a postgraduate course, and if he has chosen another specialty during his postgraduate studies, he can study in parallel (or be attached to a group) in a master's course in the specialty he is studying in the postgraduate course.
Practice-oriented education
During the course of study, a student of UKD takes an internship every year. UKD strengthens the work related to quality provision of practice bases and student involvement in real production. Of course, the student must really want to get practical skills. Practice allows you to arrange a meeting with a potential employer or dive into the field of potential employment. After practice, the student may be offered to be an intern or volunteer with further employment. If a student is offered employment, then a dual form of education is provided for this.

Dual education

If the student has proven himself well in front of the employer and the latter is interested in employing the student, UKD together with the employer initiate dual training of the student - simultaneous study and work. Dual education should not be confused with an individual schedule, as dual education involves learning educational competencies while working. The evaluation in the assessment and examination session takes place with the involvement of the employer. Thus, the student passes the session based on the results of the knowledge gained during the production activity and is not forced to prepare and pass the credit-examination session in a short period of time in an urgent manner, which, as experience shows, results in low grades at best. If training in a dual form will involve work in another region or country, the share of theoretical training provided by the university will be implemented in the form of distance learning.
Distance learning
at the workplace
If, for one reason or another, the student is involved in an activity that provides an opportunity to increase the chances for professional realization in the future, and this activity cannot be organized according to a dual form of education, the student will have the opportunity to fully or partially implement his studies remotely:

the student undergoes an internship or is a volunteer at an enterprise, institution and organization, and this activity is the beginning of professional self-realization, but it requires full employment - the student can make an individual schedule and study remotely;
if the graduate works and has a tight work schedule, but needs to get education at the same time, which should give him professional growth in the future - in parallel with work, he is given the opportunity to get education in a distance form.
Extracurricular time
UKD organizes a student's extracurricular time taking into account his personal and professional development. Understanding that the events organized on the basis of the university are a continuation of the educational process and should also form personal and social competences (Soft Skills) and professional competences (Hard Skills), which should help develop the personality and help the professional self-realization of the student in the future:
participation in the activities of the Student Scientific Society provides an opportunity to acquire organizational skills, and through participation in scientific events, writing scientific texts, allows you to develop analytical thinking and deeply understand one or more aspects of the subject area of the specialty in which the student is studying. This will allow you to become a highly specialized expert in a certain field, which allows you to form additional professional competencies and increase the chances of professional self-realization;
participation in the activities of the Student Council provides an opportunity to acquire organizational skills, as well as to develop creative thinking, teamwork skills, and to increase the level of emotional intelligence;
other student events: theater studio, meeting with successful people, KVN and others.


In the last course, UKD provides the opportunity for employment to all willing graduates. First of all - among enterprises, institutions, organizations of the UKD partner network.
Professional adaptation
For final-year students who want to have a specific position, but at the time of graduation do not possess certain competencies, UKD, in cooperation with the employer for whose vacant position the student is applying for, organizes a training process with the aim of mastering the necessary competencies in order to occupy a vacant position. If the employer requires full-time employment and insists on employment until the completion of studies, then the student will have the opportunity to switch to an individual study schedule and continue studying remotely.

Creating your own business

For those who want to start their own business, UKD helps to create their startup (from the idea to its registration) and helps in finding initial investments.
The start of your successful career
The start of your successful career