The most active students of King Danylo University (UKD) completed the spring course "International Tourism" using the global network model of learning in cooperation with Washington State University (USA) and Alfred Nobel University (Ukraine).
Students attended 16 classes in the period from February 8 to April 14. The most active youth of UKD got acquainted with the cultural backgrounds and tourist destinations of different countries (USA, India, South Africa, Greece, Bulgaria, Peru, UAE, Turkey, and China).
The students also mentioned that the program participation allowed them to meet new people, develop teamwork skills and improve their English. “It was incredible experience, a kind of small journey to different countries. I would like to thank all those involved in the organization who believed in us and entrusted us with the important mission of introducing our country to Americans. Positive feedback from US students and their desire to visit Ukraine proves that we have done everything right”, shares her impressions of participating in the program Viktoriia Kyrchuk, a student of "Tourism" specialty at UKD.
“I am very grateful to the students of UKD for their responsibility and courage because they had to complete “International Tourism” program during the war. They proudly represented Ukraine to Washington State University. I am proud because despite the difficult situation in Ukraine, we, the participants in the educational process, have to integrate into international civilized educational systems and improve ourselves”, said Nadiia Grebeniuk, an associate professor of management and administration at King Danylo University. Take the advantage of the opportunities offered by King Danylo University!